The Nothingness

Oblivion is an entire sentient dimension, and embodies the concept of nothingness/non-existence.He predates the multiverses, and even creation itself. He will also exist after creation ends.

He has no physical forms and the bodies that appear everytime in the comic are just m-bodies/ aspects. He transcends forms altogether.

Just LOOKING at him would make the observer cease to exist.

When Dr. Strange and the Defenders traveled back to the third multiverse, they witnessed a great black dragon battling with the primal creation. This primal creation was known as the All-Creation, from which every archetypes and subsequent creations of the archetypes of the omniverse sprung forth in the fourth multiverse and beyond.

The dragon that All-Creation was fighting was non-existence. And by the end of the fight, All-Creation, with the help of Eternity mask Zota and amped by the 4th and 5th multiverse, defeats the dragon.

This shatters the dragon into pieces, which goes to every universe of every multiverses.
Dr. Strange theorizes that whenever there appears a being of Nothingness, it is simply an aspect of the great dragon.

The great black dragon, which is known as Anti-All, came after the First and Second Multiverses, which itself came after Oblivion. Thus, beings such as Black Winter and Chaos King are all only an aspect of the infinity of Oblivion's being.

Just portions of his power from Maelstrom was being reflected in the highest plane of existence in an abstract and metaphysical form.

Even Death is part of his being.

He is aware of being in a comic book.