The Ruler of Dream Dimension

Nightmare is a conceptual entity that is as important to exist as Eternity. He exists in every living being because without him, dreams are meaningless. He is the master of the Dream realm. In it, he is supreme. The dream dimension can manifest unreality, and logic in the dimension transcends regular logic.
Makes classic Strange powerless in his own dreams.
Easily entraps the Ancient One's mind, to an extent that not even Strange's strongest spell can undo it. It can also solidify souls.

He can see events transpiring across dimensions. Can also transport someone in different space and time. Races through timeless realm, slices through all the dreams that have ever been, and ever will be and takes a dreamer to another dream.

He can warp reality by manipulating the dream world. Tapped into Strange's dream and shaped thought itself. this allowed him to change the real world into a nightmare. He then beats the celestials, galactus, ego, and entraps every hero on earth in sleep. Afterwards, creates a universe without limitations.
Drains energy of every realm, earthly or metaphysical, and beats Death, Eternity, Chaos and Order, and Living Tribunal (they're all their universal versions).

He can control concepts such as the unreal.

Entraps universal eternity.

Tanks pure ideas.

Since fictions come from the realm of consciousness which resides within the Dream dimension, he conquers other fictions such as '80s novels, woody allen movies, serial killer fictions, etc.

Captures the Fountainhead, the archetype of human creativity, the source of fiction.

Takes over the concept of the "american dream" as a nightmare.

Goes inside Zarathos' mind and unlocks memories that were blocked by Mephisto.

Unaffected by Ares' axe which even cut chaos king Mikaboshi.

Dweller in darkness, an elder god, straight up admits he alone is less powerful than Nightmare.

Breaks fourth wall and addresses the readers.

Part of Nightmare flies from Earth to Nightmare's realm within a panel in an instant.

He can bestow power to objects and makes a road sign pole be able to match Jarnbjornn. also beats Loki.

Can make creatures that can kill with a touch. Nightmare's minions can kill even classic Strange with a bite. Puts up a fight with him, and are only defeated via bfr.

Using impossibility, forged a crown out of pure thoughts of Loki

Toyed with the Beyonders for years and dissipated them across the Dream dimension.