The Experimenters of the Cosmos

In the beginning of the multiverse, the First Firmament created the Celestials. The celestials in turn created the Aspirants. The fight between the Celestials and Aspirants broke the first Firmament apart into infinite universes which gave rise to the first (2nd iteration) Multi-Eternity.

It was theorized that Celestials actually exist in a higher dimension called hyperspace and the armored body is simply a physical manifestation to the lower planes. This was later confirmed by Kubik as blowing up the bodies of the Celestials did not really kill them. And later confirmed again.

Their power isn't measurable by either humans or eternals. Human mathematics include George Cantor's infinite sets as measurements for infinities. In fact, Kubik (who is the embodiment of the cosmic cube) and Kosmos (a fusion of Molecule Man and Beyonder), two beings of infinite power, states that the Celestials' powers are transinfinite numbers of cardinalities above their own.
The Recorder has difficulty even comprehending a Celestial.
The data of the birth of a new Celestial fucks up High Evolutionary and an amped Recorder trying to simply analyze it.

The Aspirants are powerful enough to corrupt Order and Chaos and disrupt the laws and hierarchy of the newly forming 8th Multi Eternity. And the true Celestials can one shot the Aspirants.

The true Celestials then created the Beyonders and made them powerful enough to kill celestials if need be.

The Celestials also created the Eternals, Deviants, and the concordance engine on Earth. [see Earth & Sun]

Two Celestials soloed the prehistoric avengers; consisting of young prime Odin, Phoenix and Agamotto among others.

A random Celestial casually made the Black Vortex.

Random Celestial can create and compact an entire universe inside of a galaxy and weave the very beings of Hercules and High Evolutionary (who were amped so much they ascended 'beyond godhood') into the fabric of the time and space.

Random new Celestial that just got birthed absorbed an explosion that rivaled the 'primal big bang' and also the entirety of the universe inside the black galaxy into itself.

An entire universe was created as only a fragment of a dream of a sleeping Celestial.

A small group of random Celestials that became mad fought a Reed Richards wielding both an Infinity Gauntlet and the Ultimate nullifier, tanked them, and effortlessly killed Reed.

3 mad Celestials fuse together to become one Celestial and then one shots a fully fed and prepped Galactus.
The fused celestial tanks sol's hammer which was previously used to destroy a beyonder. This only reverts the celestials back into the separate bodies and destroys the outer casing.
Adult Franklin that was saving up his power specifically for this day for years, was said to lose against the 3 celestials in at least a 100 different timelines and could not have won himself. To win this fight and skew the probability towards him, he had to take all of his younger self's power on top of his own and also ask Galactus for help.

Arishem one shots The One, and the Celestials were gonna kill all the watchers.

A Celestial's true form is beyond even Thor 's comprehension.
Thor strikes an internal structure of Exitar thinking that is its brain, with all his might, and it breaks mjolnir down.
A mere holographic avatar of Exitar then later heals Thor and restores mjolnir.

And now, I end this page with my personal favorite feat. I love telling this story because it is the ultimate cosmic thuggery I have seen:

Odin, Zeus and Vishnu decides to fight the Celestials thinking they got the dog in them. Arishem tanks a combined attack from the three without even a scratch. He then throws an energy beam across a dimensional rift and hits the realm of Asgard, Olympus and Nirvana simultaneously and shows that he could fuck them all up if he wanted to. And the three gods immediately fold.
It is said that Arishem alone would have fucked all of the pantheons of gods up if Odin, Zeus and Vishnu decided to fight that day.
Odin thus took a 1000 years to prep for the celestials to beat them.

In his preparation of 1000 years, Odin did the following:
1. First he made the Destroyer armor specifically for the celestials, akin to the celestial armor. He then had all the gods of all the pantheons imbue a fraction of their power in that armor.
2. Odin then makes the Oversword of Asgard, giving a curse a new form and new dimensions, making it so powerful that simply unsheathing the sword would tear the fabric of infinity and shake the heavens.
3. He then imbues the entirety of Asgard into the armor on top of his own power to boost it further.
4. And finally he is also joined by the uni-mind, the collective fusion of every Eternals to fight the celestials.

The celestials simply one shot the uni-mind...
...and fucks Destroyer armor Odin up, casually.

The only reason one of the Celestials even gets cut is because losing a limb meant nothing to it and they wanted to study the sword. They melted the destroyer armor down and the destruction of the armor causes a reverberation throughout all of reality and to all pantheons.

Thor chucks the Oversword at Arishem and Arishem willingly takes the sword in just to analyze it. He then deems the sword unimpressive and just melts it down, while also nullifying the curse.